Rhine-Westphalia Electric Power Corporation $1000 Uncancelled Gold Bond (Rheinisch-WestfÄlische ElektrizitÄtswerk Aktien-Gesellschaft) – Germany 1930
Collect Stocks and Bonds > New items added to website > Top Shelf Certificates > Rhine-Westphalia Electric Power Corporation $1000 Uncancelled Gold Bond (Rheinisch-WestfÄlische ElektrizitÄtswerk Aktien-Gesellschaft) – Germany 1930
$395.00 – Western Europe – European Union – Beautiful Uncancelled $1000 Mortgage Gold Bond certificate from the Rhine-Westphalia Electric Power Corporation issued in 1930. This historic document was printed by the American Banknote Company and has an ornate border around it with a vignette of Mercury and other Greek Gods. This item has the s…